Dia de la Calavera de Ceramica
Paint a Calaveras at Sol Collective


Sacramento’s Jorge Vega and Josilyn Porras, co-owners of the artisanal accessory La Pop Shop, will lead a workshop on painting a ceramic calavera (skull) for your ofrenda (altar) and to celebrate the Dia de los Muertos. All the materials needed will be provided and light refreshments will be served. Participants can take them home or share at the 2023 Souls of the City festival October 21st in Old Sacramento. All ages welcome! Free!

October 15th: 1:00 – 3:00pm, Sol Collective

RSVP Here: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__solcollective.us1.list-2Dmanage.com_track_click-3Fu-3D69207e7e4eab66bcc1a2f2f82-26id-3D3ff83f4442-26e-3D2871a9f598&d=DwMFaQ&c=dZ07RdJTYc0QIsm4-cMiSA&r=H2QqkiNJpFLMSEDjlkND3HeTLlVCXw7cjJRE58ptW44&m=OV8UMYLfBPUMKpZKPLC-baJUGibdBfR7dTvxclYRYplIbVeMKB8ZZ6MuPnRGilu6&s=mGBdllERIwXMwmvV_VK-mxp8yEk_-88nd_W_ob33PS0&e=