Prospective Students

Prospective Students

Prospective Students


Thank you for your interest in the Humanities and International Studies Program (HISP) at C.K. McClatchy High School (CKM), a school with a rich history, strong traditions, and a commitment to excellence. We look forward to meeting future HISP students through the application process and hope that you like what you see here at CKM.

McClatchy High School opened in 1937. The federal government built it as part of the Works Project Administration during the depression. The campus remains one of the few original school buildings of that era in the region. It is a beautiful facility, even with the charm of its age showing through here and there. Students here take pride in the campus, as do staff and community members.

The Humanities and International Studies Program began in 1985 as an effort to attract students to McClatchy High School with an interest in exploring the humanities and history through a variety of perspectives. As a HISP student, you will explore the diverse peoples and unique traditions in your own community as well as those found across the globe. And as a CKM student, you will have a full and rich high school experience—from sports and clubs to electives and school dances.

We have graduated thousands of students who have gone on to do great and varied things in the world. We hope that you, too, will be one of those who take advantage of the excellent education we aim to provide all of our students.

Brian Perry and Michael Baradat
HISP Coordinators

How to Apply to HISP


The Humanities and International Studies Program at C.K. McClatchy High School is a specialty program that receives applications from students throughout the Sacramento City Unified School District. Although hundreds of students apply, only 140 freshmen are enrolled in the program each year.